Einrichtung einer Clearing-Stelle für Datenschutz- und Urheberrechtsfragen gemeinsam für alle Forschungsinstitutionen (Establishment of a clearing house for data protection and copyright issues together for all research institutions)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-05-23


From Google's English: 

"Recommendation to establish a clearinghouse for privacy and copyright issues together for all research institutions

Summary of the recommendation paper:

  • settled at an Austrian institution, which feels committed as a "neutral place" to all researchers and other members of universities in Austria (eg in a KEMÖ-like structure);
  • with an open website ("chatroom") for common legal problems / questions on which experts of the institutions or lawyers contribute / share their expertise;

→ start-up financing as a project in the framework of the digitization call of the BMBWF; then transfer into a permanent structure, supported by the institutions."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks


oa.new oa.austria oa.german oa.copyright oa.licensing oa.privacy oa.universities oa.open_science oa.data oa.rdm oa.infrastructure oa.hei oa.libre oa.recommendations

Date tagged:

05/23/2019, 08:52

Date published:

05/23/2019, 04:52