Unheard Voices: Institutional Repository End-Users | St. Jean | College & Research Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-07-12


Abstract:  This exploratory study investigates the perceptions and experiences of a group of institutional repository (IR) stakeholders seldom heard from: end-users. We interviewed twenty IR end-users recruited through five IRs to discover how they characterize the IR, how/why they use the IR, their credibility judgments in relation to the IR, and their willingness to return to and/or recommend the IR. Despite our small sample size, we were able to ascertain that IR end-users, although not yet loyal IR devotees, recognize their value and unique nature. Our findings also revealed several areas for improvement, such as lack of visibility and transparency. 




07/12/2019, 09:32

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Date tagged:

07/12/2019, 13:32

Date published:

01/01/2011, 08:32