ARL Endorses COAR/SPARC Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services - Association of Research Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-07-31


"The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), through its mission to catalyze the collective efforts of research libraries to enable knowledge creation and to achieve enduring and barrier-free access to information, supports the COAR/SPARC Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication Services. The landscape of tools and infrastructure to support the research enterprise reflects a complex mix of economic models, both commercial and community-owned, both proprietary and open source. With the growing enthusiasm and support in Canadian and US research libraries for academy-owned, community-governed open scholarly communication, these seven principles serve as excellent guideposts for the community as it builds and coordinates components and services for open scholarship...."


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Tags: oa.sparc oa.coar oa.scholcomm oa.best_practices oa.academic_led oa.principles oa.recommenddations oa.infrastructure oa.standards oa.arl

Date tagged:

07/31/2019, 14:53

Date published:

07/31/2019, 10:53