Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Science

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-01


"In order to increase the contribution of open science to producing better science, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Science convenes critical stakeholders to discuss the effectiveness of current incentives for adopting open science practices, current barriers of all types, and ways to move forward in order to align reward structures and institutional values. The Roundtable convenes two times per year and creates a venue for the exchange of ideas and joint strategic planning among key stakeholders. Each Roundtable meeting has a theme. The diverse themes target slightly different audiences but the core audience will consist of universities, government agencies, foundations, and other groups doing work related to open science. The Roundtable aims to improve coordination among stakeholders and increase awareness of current and future efforts in the broader open science community. The Roundtable will also convene one symposium per year, which may produce National Academies proceedings in brief...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.nas oa.incentives oa.open_science oa.obstacles

Date tagged:

08/01/2019, 16:33

Date published:

08/01/2019, 12:33