Publications scientifiques : la guerre est déclarée - Sciences et Avenir

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-02


From Google's English: "The scientific publishing sector is one of the most profitable in the world. It is also widely disputed by universities and research organizations forced to pay subscriptions of several million dollars. The prestigious University of California has decided to stop the fees....

This is a real coup for the academic world and especially a symbol. Starting this month, the prestigious University of California, will no longer have access to the scientific publications of Elsevier, the largest scientific publisher in the world. His subscription was simply terminated after months of unsuccessful negotiations. The reason for the discord: the prohibitive cost of subscriptions, among others. Thus, in 2018, the institution had to pay $ 11 million for its researchers to access 1,500 scientific journals belonging to Elsevier - which holds a total of almost 3,000. A situation deemed untenable...."


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Tags: oa.u.california oa.elsevier oa.cancellations oa.french

Date tagged:

08/02/2019, 10:55

Date published:

08/02/2019, 06:55