ScholarLed collaboration: a powerful engine to grow open access publishing | Impact of Social Sciences

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-09


"The rise of open access publishing has created an opportunity for the scholarly community to have greater influence over how the research it produces is disseminated, by enabling the growth of a diverse group of publishers beyond the handful of large, powerful, commercial players currently dominating the academic landscape. Lucy Barnes outlines the vision of ScholarLed, a consortium of six academic-led, not-for-profit, open access book publishers, whose members have come together to build open infrastructure, share knowledge and resources, and communicate collectively with institutions, while maintaining independent operations and publishing programmes...."



11/09/2019, 03:44

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.collaboration oa.growth oa.books oa.infrastructure oa.scholarled oa.academic_led

Date tagged:

11/09/2019, 08:44

Date published:

10/26/2018, 04:44