The death of the literature review and the rise of the dynamic knowledge map | Impact of Social Sciences

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-18


"Literature reviews are a core part of academic research that are loathed by some and loved by others. The LSE Impact Blog recently presented two proposals on how to deal with the issues raised by literature reviews: Richard P. Phelps argues, due to their numerous flaws, we should simply get rid of them as a requirement in scholarly articles. In contrast, Arnaud Vaganay proposes, despite their flaws, we can save them by means of standardization that would make them more robust. Here, I put forward an alternative that strikes a balance between the two: Let’s build databases that help systemize academic research. There are examples of such databases in evidence-based health-care, why not replicate those examples more widely?..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.genres oa.recommendations oa.medicine oa.visualizations

Date tagged:

11/18/2019, 10:58

Date published:

11/18/2019, 05:59