Co-creating Open Infrastructure to Support Diversity and Equity

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-30


"To reframe our priorities in this way requires collective will and coordination across regions and institutions to build new kinds of support for resource reallocation. It further requires institutional courage and political will to declare that open, autonomous, and equitable systems are preferred over “prestigious” Euro-centric research systems that continue to undermine other epistemic communities from around the world. It requires that disciplines and societies prioritize who they have been centering in their research, whose voices they’ve been amplifying, and whose they have been silencing. Supporting the status quo while leaving initiatives that reflect epistemic diversity and knowledge equity as second-tier priorities will result in continued entrenchment of status quo inequities and the marginalization of truly innovative, equitable systems...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.infrastructure oa.oa_week oa.scholcomm oa.copim oa.amelica oa.ioi oa.south oa.dei

Date tagged:

11/30/2019, 11:05

Date published:

11/30/2019, 06:06