Catching crumbs from the table | Nature

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-02-16


A scifi editorial in Nature by Ted Chiang, June 2000: "It has been 25 years since a report of original research was last submitted to our editors for publication, making this an appropriate time to revisit the question that was so widely debated then: what is the role of human scientists in an age when the frontiers of scientific inquiry have moved beyond the comprehensibility of humans?

No doubt many of our subscribers remember reading papers whose authors were the first individuals ever to obtain the results they described. But as metahumans began to dominate experimental research, they increasingly made their findings available only via DNT (digital neural transfer), leaving journals to publish second-hand accounts translated into human language...."



02/16/2020, 06:23

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks



Date tagged:

02/16/2020, 11:24

Date published:

06/01/2000, 07:23