The National Emergency Library Is a Gift to Readers Everywhere | The New Yorker

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-03-27


"This week the Internet Archive, in San Francisco, announced—and, in the blink of an eye, opened—the National Emergency Library, a digital collection of 1.4 million books. Until June 30th, or the end of the national emergency in the United States (“whichever is later”), anyone, anywhere in the world, can check books out of this library—for free. As Brewster Kahle, the digital librarian at the Internet Archive, wrote in an online announcement, if you can afford to buy books, please buy books! Bookstores still need your business. But, by God, if you can’t afford them, or if the books you need aren’t in any bookstore, and, especially, if you are one of the currently more than one billion students and teachers shut out of your classroom, please: sign up, log on, and borrow!..."


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Tags: oa.copyright oa.fair_use oa.humanitarian oa.books oa.nel oa.cdl oa.internet_archive

Date tagged:

03/27/2020, 11:14

Date published:

03/27/2020, 07:14