Perspective on Data‐Sharing Requirements for the Necessary Evolution of Drug Development - Barrett - - The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-04-05


"Although issues such as data deidentification and the potential for unauthorized reidentification have prevented some from considering sharing and even collaborating, progress has been made in these areas. Analyses of distributed data sets require technical infrastructure and funding to support and maintain the compute environment. It should be possible to achieve meaningful data sharing with embedded research that encourages rather than discourages the growth of a learning health system.6 Although there is often a mismatch between the explicit motivations, unstated or implicit motivations, and the design of an actual data‐sharing policy, this should not dissuade us from pursuing such agreements.7 As has been observed already, the shift from an aim of changing behavior to changing culture has both subtle and profound implications for policy design and implementation.8..."


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04/05/2020, 14:53

Date published:

04/05/2020, 10:53