Open Access and Altmetrics in the pandemic age: Forescast analysis on COVID-19 literature | bioRxiv

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-05-14


Abstract:  We present an analysis on the uptake of open access on COVID-19 related literature as well as the social media attention they gather when compared with non OA papers. We use a dataset of publications curated by Dimensions and analyze articles and preprints. Our sample includes 11,686 publications of which 67.5% are openly accessible. OA publications tend to receive the largest share of social media attention as measured by the Altmetric Attention Score. 37.6% of OA publications are bronze, which means toll journals are providing free access. MedRxiv contributes to 36.3% of documents in repositories but papers in BiorXiv exhibit on average higher AAS. We predict the growth of COVID-19 literature in the following 30 days estimating ARIMA models for the overall publications set, OA vs. non OA and by location of the document (repository vs. journal). We estimate that COVID-19 publications will double in the next 20 days, but non OA publications will grow at a higher rate than OA publications. We conclude by discussing the implications of such findings on the dissemination and communication of research findings to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak.



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Tags: oa.altmetrics oa.social_media oa.medicine oa.advantage oa.dimensions oa.preprints oa.impact oa.metrics oa.versions oa.studies oa.empirical

Date tagged:

05/14/2020, 13:05

Date published:

05/14/2020, 09:05