The commercial model of academic publishing underscoring Plan S weakens the existing open access ecosystem in Latin America | Impact of Social Sciences

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-05-21


Health emergencies such as those we face today reveal the importance of opening scientific knowledge; something that not-for-profit open access publishing has permanently and organically allowed for a long time. The expansion of Plan S, a research funder led initiative to promote a global transition to open access to scholarly research, to Latin America has led to significant debate about how the policy will impact the existing system of non-commercial open access publication in Latin America. Responding to earlier posts on this subject, Eduardo Aguado López and Arianna Becerril García argue that introducing Article Processing Charges, whereby academics or their funders pay to publish open access, will inherently degrade existing non-profit forms of open access publishing that have existed in Latin America for over three decade


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishing oa.business_models oa.latin_america oa.plan_s oa.objections oa.debates oa.risks oa.fees oa.academic_led oa.amelica oa.offsets oa.journals oa.south

Date tagged:

05/21/2020, 08:50

Date published:

05/21/2020, 04:53