Free-access era coming to an end at eBMJ

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-09-15


"The small number of medical journals that provide their entire content free online will soon be even smaller, and the loss will be significant. In August, the British Medical Journal announced that it will begin charging an annual user fee of £10 ($22) to £20 ($44) for annual access (2003;327:241-2). The change will take place in January 2005; access will remain free for 120 low-income countries and BMA members. BMJ will also be much cheaper than most restricted-access journals — the New England Journal of Medicine charges Can$14 for a single article and Can$40 for a day's unlimited access.
In an editorial, Web Editor Tony Delamothe and BMJ Editor Richard Smith said the decision was made by the board of the BMJ Publishing Group because of “anxiety over falling library subscriptions to the paper journal.” ..."


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Date tagged:

09/15/2013, 14:00

Date published:

09/15/2013, 10:00