Assessing Open Access Audio - Full Text View -

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-07-05


Abstract:  The medical encounter can be overwhelming in term of the amount of information discussed, its technical nature, and the anxiety it can generate. Easy access to a secure audio recording from any internet enabled device is an available low cost technology that allows patients to "revisit the visit" either alone or sharing with caretakers and family. It has been introduced and tested outside the VA with evidence that it increases patient recall and understanding and may even improve physician performance. Little is known, however, about whether and to what extent these effects lead to better outcomes, such as improved treatment plan adherence and chronic disease self-management. This study is a randomized controlled trial designed ascertain whether easy access to audio recordings of the medical visit improves patients perception that they understand and can manage their own care, and leads to a variety of improved outcomes, such as better blood pressure and diabetes control, and fewer emergency department visits and hospitalizations.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.medicine oa.privacy oa.quality

Date tagged:

07/05/2020, 12:46

Date published:

07/05/2020, 08:46