Panel on Transformative Agreements and exploring the Wiley-Projekt DEAL agreement - YouTube

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-11-19


"Panel Discussion - Exploring the largest national transformative agreement for scholarly communication facilitated by Colleen Campbell

In January 2019, the publisher John Wiley & Sons and the Projekt DEAL, a representative of nearly 700 academic institutions in Germany, entered a ground breaking transformative agreement which allows researchers at Projekt DEAL institutions the opportunity to publish their articles accepted for publication in Wiley’s subscription journals fully open access and provides all Projekt DEAL institutions with access to read Wiley’s academic journals back to the year 1997. The innovative “Publish and Read” cost model behind the agreement sees former subscription expenditures shifted to support open access publishing, in line with the objectives of the Open Access 2020 Initiative. A panel of experts from the publisher, library and research communities will discuss the significance of the agreement in the evolving landscape of scholarly communication."



11/19/2020, 08:58

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.presentations oa.offsets oa.agreements oa.wiley oa.germany oa.projekt_deal

Date tagged:

11/19/2020, 13:58

Date published:

07/22/2019, 09:58