Perspectives on Open Access Opportunities for IS Research Publication: Potential Benefits for Researchers, Educators, and Students, Journal of Information Systems Education, 2016

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-12-13


Abstract:  Access to current research materials, pedagogical best practices, and relevant knowledge has become problematic as journal subscription costs have increased. Increasing delays in the traditional publication timeline, coupled with high subscription costs, have resulted in a diminished ability for IS faculty and their students to access the most relevant research in a timely manner, an issue felt most acutely in developing nations. As IS educators seeks to increase the dissemination of their work and ensure that students have the most updated knowledge, one option is publishing in open-access (OA) journals. However, a lack of knowledge, inconsistent quality perceptions, the presence of predatory journals, and publication fees have negatively affected IS researchers' support for OA publishing. This study surveyed 68 IS scholars and found that IS scholars do not publish in OA journals due to concerns about fees, quality, prestige, and impact factors. This study found more similarities than differences between junior- and senior-level IS scholars, with junior faculty members placing more emphasis on the speed of publication than their senior colleagues do. By understanding the underlying reasons that IS faculty are favoring OA options, the study hopes to shed light on the reliance on traditional journal publication models that restrict the distribution of intellectual property. If the OA approach were embraced by more journals, IS faculty members and their students benefit through expeditious access to relevant content to support faculty professional development, instruction, and research.




12/13/2020, 07:39

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Date tagged:

12/13/2020, 12:39

Date published:

10/01/2016, 08:39