Vocabularies for Open Access (V4OA) Public Consultation Paper
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-01
"The V4OA [Vocabularies for Open Access] project is designed to move towards a common approach towards such metadata [about open access resources], initially in four key respects: [1] embargo periods...; [2] the legal rights of organisations or authors, often expressed in the form of licences; [3] whether an organisation or individual has paid for an item to be published on an Open Access basis; [4] and finally...whether or not an item is currently free to read online. An expert panel representing a wide range of scholarly communications stakeholders has deliberated on these issues and the project team has moderated the responses. This paper is the culmination of three rounds of consultation. We are working alongside the National Information Standards Organisation (NISO) which is doing a similar project. This paper outlines four proposals which, to the extent reasonably possible, reflect the common view of the expert panel. Now we are seeking the views of a wider audience. You are invited to consider the proposals below together with the brief discussion about each and send any comments you may have to the project team; they will be gratefully received...."