RECOMMENDED: Is There a Text in These Data? โ† dh+lib

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-02-19


"Publisher intransigence, library unpreparedness, and unshakable humanist allegiance to print forms of research communication distort scholarly communication systems in ways that disadvantage digital humanists and prevent migration to opener and likely more sustainable digital modes of publication and dissemination. This, in turn, isolates and disadvantages the humanities both within and outside the academy. Exactly how the humanities in general and the digital humanities specifically will break out of this untenable box remains unclear. Until they do, however, the monograph crisis will intensify, digital humanists will continue fleeing the academy for fairer, greener pastures, and the humanities will impoverish their own future."


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Tags: oa.digital_humanities oa.obstacles oa.books oa.ssh oa.humanities

Date tagged:

02/19/2021, 09:26

Date published:

02/19/2021, 04:26