Elsevier charge $37.95 for access to an unformatted manuscript with intrusive watermarking and the illustrations removed | Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-03-06


"It’s not, though. Because not only is this paper behind a paywall in Elsevier’s journal Cretaceous Research, but the paywalled paper is what they term a “pre-proof” — a fact advertised in a tiny font half way down the page rather than in a giant red letters at the top.

“Pre-proof” is not a term in common usage. What does it mean? It turns out to be an unformatted, double-spaced, and line-numbered manuscript. In other words, this is an AAM (author’s accepted manuscript) of the kind that the authors could have deposited in their institutional repository for anyone to read for free.

But wait — there’s more! By way of “added value”, Elsevier have slapped a big intrusive “journal pre-proof” watermark across the middle of every single page, to make it even less readable than a double-spaced line-numbered manuscript already is...."



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Date tagged:

03/06/2021, 13:42

Date published:

03/06/2021, 08:41