Data Repository Selection Criteria - open for comments | RDA
peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-03-12
"In the RDA FAIRsharing WG we have long advocated for journal and journal publisher data policies to ensure that datasets and other digital products associated with articles, are deposited and made accessible via the appropriate repositories, in line with the FAIR principles.
In a collaboration with Datacite and 11 major journal publishers (Cambridge University Press, eLife, Elsevier, F1000, GigaScience, Hindawi, Wiley, PLOS, SpringerNature and Taylor & Francis), we have created a set of proposed criteria that journals and publishers believe to be important for the identification and selection of data repositories, which can be recommended to research when they are preparing to publish the data underlying their findings. These proposed criteria are intended to: - guide journals and publishers in providing authors with consistent recommendations and guidance on data deposition, and improve authors’ data sharing practices; - reduce potential for confusion of researchers and support staff, and reduce duplication of effort by different publishers and data repositories - inform data repository developers and managers of the features believed to be important by journals and publishers; - provide a basis for collaboration with certification and other evaluation initiatives, serving as a reference and perspective from journals and publishers; - drive the curation of the description of the data repository in FAIRsharing, which will enable display, filter and search based on these criteria. We invite you to read the pre-print article[1] that describes the work and provide any feedback you may have via this form[2]...."