Business and publication models of radiology journals - Clinical Imaging

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-05-16



  • Radiology journals are largely published by a few commercial entities according to the traditional subscription-based model.
  • Elsevier and Springer Nature publish 40% of journals in Radiology.
  • Open-access alternatives are available and appear to carry a similar scientific impact.
  • Publication model is likely to be central to future negotiations between universities and leading commercial publishers.
  • Future work to assess the impact of subscription cancelation on manuscrip submission, access, review & citation is needed...."


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Tags: oa.medicine oa.business_models oa.comparisons oa.cancellations oa.elsevier oa.springer_nature oa.journals oa.studies oa.empirical

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05/16/2021, 10:15

Date published:

05/16/2021, 06:15