Finch implementation | Research Information Network
peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-07-03
"The Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings (‘Finch Group’) was set up in October 2011 to examine how UK-funded research findings can be made more accessible. This independent group was tasked with proposing a programme of action and make recommendations to government, research funders, publishers and other interested parties on how access to research findings and outcomes can be broadened for key audiences such as researchers, policy makers and the general public. The group completed its task in June 2012, and its report can be found here.
The group emerged from transparency discussions initiated at a high level round table meeting, in March 2011, by the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science. It was made up of representatives of the HE sector, research funders, the research community, scholarly publishers, and libraries. It was chaired by Dame Janet Finch DBE, Professor of Sociology at Manchester University and independent co-Chair of the Council for Science and Technology. Focusing on academic publications - specifically journal articles, conference proceedings and monographs - the working group took into account parallel work relating to research data and other outputs being conducted by the Royal Society. It adopted an evidence-based approach to its work. It operated collaboratively and so far as possible sought to achieve consensus. Where that was not possible, it identified precise points of difference. It also sought to identify the key goals and guiding principles that should underlie public policy on publication of and access to research findings; and in the light of those principles to identify possible routes and mechanisms in order to achieve the key goals, along with the associated costs, risks and benefits. It took account of relevant policies and practice in other countries, and proposed a programme of action for all interested parties in the UK, contained in its final report...."