RoMEO studies 4: an analysis of journal publishers' copyright agreements - Gadd - 2003 - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-07-11


Abstract:  This article is the fourth in a series of six emanating from the UK JISC-funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). It describes an analysis of 80 scholarly journal publishers' copyright agreements with a particular view to their effect on author self-archiving: 90% of agreements asked for copyright transfer and 69% asked for it prior to refereeing the paper; 75% asked authors to warrant that their work had not been previously published although only two explicitly stated that they viewed self-archiving as prior publication; 28.5% of agreements provided authors with no usage rights over their own paper. Although 42.5% allowed self-archiving in some format, there was no consensus on the conditions under which self-archiving could take place. The article concludes that author–publisher copyright agreements should be reconsidered by a working party representing the needs of both parties.




07/11/2021, 04:51

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Date tagged:

07/11/2021, 08:50

Date published:

10/01/2003, 04:51