UK Team Reviewing Copyright Law Will Include James Boyle | Techdirt
peter.suber's bookmarks 2012-07-31
"Here's a nice surprise. Recently, the UK announced plans to commission a report that would review copyright laws from top to bottom. While we felt that it was odd for the UK to do this, since it had done pretty much exactly the same thing four years ago, it sounded as though they were going to focus on things like the importance of fair use and the public domain -- which would definitely be a good thing. While we were a little concerned about the decision to have a journalism professor, Ian Hargreaves, lead the process, it's worth noting that a panel has been put together to help Hargreaves. And among the panel members is James Boyle -- author of The Public Domain as well as the guy we were just talking about for his recent FT column about how we should stop relying on fantasy numbers in these copyright debates...."