cOAlition S welcomes the Plan S-aligned Open Access policy from UKRI | Plan S
peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-08-06
"cOAlition S – an international consortium of research funding and performing organisations committed to implementing Plan S – warmly welcomes the publication of the updated UKRI Open Access (OA) policy and its explicit commitment to full and immediate Open Access.
Key aspects of the updated UKRI policy includes:
- Zero embargoes. All UKRI funded research articles must be made OA at the time of publication;
- Open licences. All UKRI funded research must be licensed CC BY (with some minor exceptions);
- No funding of APCs in hybrid journals, outside of transformative arrangements;
- Multiple routes to support compliance, including depositing the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (or Version of Record, where the publisher permits) in an institutional or subject repository at the time of final publication...."