Introducing Nursing Open: A Gold Model Open Access Journal for Nursing - Watson - 2014 - Nurse Author & Editor - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-01-26


"The proliferation of online open access journals in nursing was covered in a recent issue of Nurse Author & Editor. As described there by the INANE “Predatory Publishing Practices” Collaborative (2014), not all open access journals are equal and the daily bombardment of emails inviting us to take part in online open access publishing in various capacities will continue. Nevertheless, the pressure to publish in open access journals increases. In Europe and Australia there are several factors driving this such as research councils and university funding bodies who are insisting that publications funded by them or used for research assessment be made available open access.

At a time when open access publishing remains to be fully accepted by those who write and publish in nursing (Watson et al., 2012), Nursing Open falls within the category of online, open access journals that derive revenue from Article Publishing Charges (APC) rather than traditional subscriptions. This is a relatively new venture from Wiley Open Access..."



01/26/2022, 09:42

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Date tagged:

01/26/2022, 14:42

Date published:

03/20/2015, 10:42