Libraries, Publishers Battle Over Terms for E-Books’ Use (1)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-01-27


"States that want to give libraries a better deal on e-books are watching a publishers’ suit against Maryland, the first state to set terms for how digital books are distributed for public borrowing.

Library associations, including the American Library Association and several state groups, have been pushing for state laws to require publishers to distribute digital works to libraries on “reasonable” terms that the states would set. The groups say libraries pay too much for electronic books and should be able to get them at lower prices.

The bills and the law enacted in Maryland have set off alarm bells for authors and publishers who fear the legislation encroaches on copyrights.

Similar suits to the one in Maryland by the Association of American Publishers might follow if bills in other states move forward, copyright attorneys, publishing industry lobbyists and others said. They say the bills propose a radical rewriting of the copyright system that only Congress is able to change...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.libraries oa.legislation oa.litigation oa.books oa.copyright

Date tagged:

01/27/2022, 09:39

Date published:

01/27/2022, 04:41