Transformation from subscription model toward OA publishing model: JUSTICE OA2020 Roadmap

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-02-16


"JUSTICE [Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resource] has the mission of enhancing the nation's academic information infrastructure by contracting, managing, providing, and preserving e-resources. Under this mission, JUSTICE has undertaken negotiations with publishers, mainly focusing on big deal subscription models. As a result, our member libraries succeeded in restraining their expenses, increasing the number of available e-resources, and closing the gap in academic information environment between members. However, subscription costs have been increasing because of continuous price increase and the quantitative growth of academic journals. Therefore, it has become ever more difficult to keep subscription contracts not only in Japanese universities or research institutions but also in other countries around the world. One of the fundamental solutions against this challenging situation is to transform the subscription model into the OA publishing model( 1 ) . OA2020( 2 ) is one of the leading global initiatives to accelerate such transformation. Several European countries, which support the initiative, aim to transform subscription journals of big publishers to OA with the OA publishing model, and they started a pilot transformative agreement with political or financial support(3) by countries or funders...."



02/16/2022, 08:42

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Date tagged:

02/16/2022, 13:42

Date published:

03/01/2019, 08:42