The doors of precision: Reenergizing psychiatric drug development with psychedelics and open access computational tools

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-03-20


"In a truly remarkable way, the study was performed at essentially no additional cost. Ballentine et al. (3) made use of existent, openly available resources: the Erowid psychedelic “experience vault,” the pharmacokinetic profiles of each psychedelic, the Allen Human Brain gene transcription profiles, and the Schafer-Yeo brain atlas that mapped gene transcript to brain structure. The computational tools—primarily python toolboxes—that Ballentine et al. deployed were also available at no cost. So in the same way that the psychedelics industry is repurposing old drugs, Ballentine et al. repurposed old data and tools to define a new framework...."


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Date tagged:

03/20/2022, 10:37

Date published:

03/20/2022, 06:37