The Diamond Open Access Model: what impact on research?

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-03-21


"With escalating Article Processing Charges (APCs) under the Gold Open Access Model, attention has been turning to the Diamond Model, where scientific articles are not subject to APCs. Diamond journals represent a large percentage of open access publishing output and are mostly owned and managed by universities, learned societies and other not-for-profit organisations.

Two organisations leading the development of an international strategy on Open Access, Science Europe and Coalition S, have recently launched an initiative that will offer worldwide support to building and sustaining the Diamond Model. The action plan was published on 2nd March. Join us for a one-hour webinar, where an expert panel will explain and discuss these latest developments in Open Access publishing and what it means for researchers, research-intensive institutions, learned societies, libraries and other publishers. You, the audience, will be able to interact and pose questions to the panel."


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Tags: oa.impact oa.science_europe oa.plan_s oa.journals

Date tagged:

03/21/2022, 13:04

Date published:

03/21/2022, 09:04