Toward openness and transparency to better facilitate knowledge creation - Mahony - - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-04-27


Changes in modes of publication over recent decades and moves to publish material freely and openly have resulted in increased amounts of research and scholarly outputs being available online. These include teaching and other material but consist mostly of research publications. There have been significant UK and European initiatives as part of the Open Agenda that facilitate and indeed mandate the move to open whether that is for educational materials, research output and data, or the mechanisms for ensuring the quality of these materials. A significant issue is that although making research outputs freely available is praiseworthy, without the data on which that research is based, reproducibility and so verification, which are fundamental principles of scholarly methodology, are not possible. When discrete datasets are linked openly and freely, are able to interact by using common standards, they become more powerful with extended possibilities for research questions that cross disciplinary divides and knowledge domains. There are always objections and resistance to new innovations, and open publication is no exception; published research, nevertheless, indicates that publishing material openly is becoming considered to be “good research practice” and that the positives of “new collaborations and higher citation” outweigh any perceived negative effects.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.scholcomm oa.europe oa.outputs oa.publishing oa.transparency oa.standards oa.reproducibility oa.collaboration oa.benefits

Date tagged:

04/27/2022, 14:46

Date published:

04/27/2022, 05:18