Benefits of publishing with us | About UCL Open: Environment

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-04-29


"UCL Open: Environment is committed to using its position and unique set of strengths to develop and disseminate original knowledge, not only for its own inherent value but also to address the significant challenges facing the world today and those that will arise in the future.

Drawing on these founding values, we want to stimulate disruptive thinking across the research landscape to showcase radical and critical thinking applied to real world problems that benefit humanity. We believe that the future of scientific and scholarly pursuit is best served by an open science agenda and fully open access publishing because knowledge should be accessible to all, regardless of location or financial means. We want to transform the way new knowledge is shared openly and without barriers...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.ucl oa.benefits oa.scienceopen

Date tagged:

04/29/2022, 09:03

Date published:

04/29/2022, 05:03