Notebook – OER + ScholComm

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-06-05


"In addition to the open textbook for teaching scholarly communication, we are developing an online community/repository that we are calling the Scholarly Communication Notebook (SCN), which we hope will become the locus of an active, inclusive, empowered community of practice for teaching scholarly communications to emerging librarians. We are consciously modelling the SCN on Robin DeRosa and Rajiv Jhangiani’s Open Pedagogy Notebook. Like OPN, the Scholarly Communication Notebook will host community-designed examples of teaching and doing scholarly communication that we hope will be regularly refreshed by librarians from across the field as well as LIS faculty and students completing coursework on these topics.  If the relationship between the book and the SCN isn’t clear, here’s a reflection on that. ..."


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Date tagged:

06/05/2022, 10:16

Date published:

06/05/2022, 06:16