Home: PsychOpen

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-07-07


"PsychOpen is the European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology. It publishes multilingual open-access content in the field of psychology. PsychOpen aims to foster the visibility of psychological research in Europe and beyond, and to ensure free access to research for scholars and professionals in the field.

PsychOpen is open to publications from all areas of psychology and its related disciplines including scholarly as well as professional publications. Formats include research articles, clinical reports, monographs, etc. in English and other languages such as Portuguese and Bulgarian. All content is enriched with English metadata (title, keywords and abstracts) and free of charge for authors, editors and readers...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.psychopen oa.publishers oa.psychology oa.europe oa.germany oa.platforms oa.multilingualism oa.books oa.no-fee oa.ssh

Date tagged:

07/07/2022, 09:54

Date published:

07/07/2022, 05:54