Majority of early career researchers in physical science want to publish open access, but face financial barriers

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-07-22


"A new global study from AIP Publishing, the American Physical Society (APS), IOP Publishing (IOPP) and Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA) indicates that the majority of early career researchers (ECRs) want to publish open access (OA) but they need grants from funding agencies to do so....

67% of ECRs say that making their work openly available is important to them. Yet, 70% have been prevented from publishing OA because they have not been able to access the necessary monies from funding agencies to cover the cost. When asked why ECRs favor OA publishing, agreeing with its principles and benefitting from a wider readership were cited as the top two reasons...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.ecr oa.stem oa.fees oa.obstacles oa.economics_of oa.surveys oa.aip oa.iopp

Date tagged:

07/22/2022, 09:19

Date published:

07/22/2022, 05:19