Ensuring an Accurate Scientific Record in an Era of Pre-print Servers (07.10.2022)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-10-03


Abstract:  Background: Pre-prints have become an increasing part of the biomedical landscape. For example, during the first month of operation, July 2019, medRxiv received 176 submissions, one year later, in June 2020, including the first few months of COVID-19, it received 1866 submissions. The current relevant question is how to ensure an accurate scientific record given that there may be important differences between a pre-print and the peer-reviewed publication.

Methods: Based upon the experience of the authors, conversations with editors, and a focused selective review of the literature, including the recommendations of some professional groups, a limited number of practical recommendations were formulated.

Results: Peer-reviewed journals should request that authors indicate if the submitted manuscript has been posted on a pre-print server; ensure this is noted in the article if it is published by including the digital object identifier (DOI); and detail any major differences in the conclusions between the pre-print and the article. Pre-print servers should ensure that all content is marked as not peer-reviewed and be prepared to retract any pre-print that is fundamentally flawed within days that could influence clinical or public health recommendations that have therapeutic implications.

Conclusions: Authors, those responsible for pre-print servers, and editors of peer-reviewed journals are responsible for ensuring an accurate scientific record.



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Date tagged:

10/03/2022, 12:25

Date published:

10/03/2022, 08:25