Thoughts and Observations on the Policy Guidance of OSTP Memo

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-10-03


"As the grants will apply to research which takes 1-2 years to produce, it likely means these new agency plans will impact scholarly content submitted in 2027/2028. This is a very aggressive timetable as some agencies took up to three years to submit their plan to OSTP back in 2013. This is the first time that the non-2013 OSTP memo participants are being addressed as part of the public access planning. These are likely to be much smaller agencies without staff dedicated to public access issues. There may be an opportunity for CHORUS to help them....

Footnote 5 may prove to be very significant. This is an important distinction from the original Holdren memo. It is giving much more definition to “machine readability” and will put a lot of pressure on agencies to have JATS XML ready for public accessibility. This will put PubMed Central in a much stronger position than it was before. Publishers will need to decide if they want to supply JATS XML for their AMs. Manuscript Tracking System vendors may be able to help here. CHORUS will investigate the potential to gather best practices to help inform the industry.... 

CHORUS already helps US agencies with tracking articles, conference proceedings, and datasets reporting on US funded research. We are already in contact with all of our participating agencies about the 2022 OSTP Nelson memo...."




10/03/2022, 08:49

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Date tagged:

10/03/2022, 12:49

Date published:

09/02/2022, 08:49