Lauren Kane Explores New Possibilities with Open and Partnerships at Helm of BioOne - SPARC

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-10-20


"BioOne, founded in 1999 and launched in 2001, provides libraries with a low-cost collection of curated titles and publishers with a community-based platform to distribute their journals. It works with more than 150 nonprofit publishers and 3,500 libraries, serving researchers, educators and students in the U.S. and internationally.

SPARC was a founding organization of BioOne, raising start-up funds from the library community to provide the capital to fund its launch.  From the start, the work of the organizations closely aligned: both are dedicated to a sustainable, equitable publishing ecosystem within the reach of all. 

BioOne’s structure allows its non-profit publishing partners to retain independence and editorial control, including the crucial decision of access and business model. Yet as the landscape changes, Kane said she is exploring ways to facilitate a sustainable transition to open access that works for smaller, less funded titles. Subscribe to Open (S2O) is among the approaches, Kane said, she’s following with interest. It’s appealing as a community-support model and one that the  library community is encouraging further investigation. (For details see Equity is at Heart of Subscribe to Open Model – SPARC) ..."


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Date tagged:

10/20/2022, 13:32

Date published:

10/20/2022, 09:32