How the OA Switchboard fits into the ecosystem (PART 4/THE FUNDER)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-11-02


"As an intermediary, the OA Switchboard simplifies the sharing of information between publishers, institutions and funders, thereby reducing the transactional cost for stakeholders, and it provides a safe space for publication metadata. With this, OA Switchboard adds to the tools and data sources currently available to funders.

The two use cases the OA Switchboard supports are also (indirectly) relevant for research funders:

  1. Reporting Made Easy

  2. Matching Publication Costs with Publication Funds...


Sometimes research funders engage directly in the dealings with publishers and covering publication charges, sometimes this is an indirect relationship (e.g. via institutionally managed block grants).

The value of the OA Switchboard for a funder can be one or more of the following:

  • Direct benefits (e.g. information and data on funded research output)

  • Indirect benefits (e.g. better implementation of OA policies on a publication-level)

  • Community benefits (e.g. the ecosystem works better for everyone)..."


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Tags: oa.oa_week oa.funders oa.benefits

Date tagged:

11/02/2022, 14:23

Date published:

11/02/2022, 10:23