On International Open Access Week, IBEC is launching its virtual Open Science space – Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-11-04


"Taking advantage of the renewal of its website, IBEC has created a new virtual space dedicated to Open Science. This space is a public demonstration of IBEC’s commitment to Open Science, in accordance with its own values ​​and mission, which has been realized with various initiatives and positions that the new virtual space gathers and makes visible. 

Due to its own conviction and due to the growth of the practical requirements of Open Science in the European, Spanish and Catalan research environments, the IBEC is articulating in recent years its alignment with this movement by including its principles in its own strategic plans, the approval in September 2021 of the research data management policy, the creation of an Open Science pillar with the Strategic Initiatives and Communication departments, and the incorporation of a new Knowledge Manager profile as support staff for researchers. 

These measures have made possible to carry out an internal training plan in aspects of Open Science; the improvement in the support and promotion of the publication in open access; the revision of the own research evaluation processes following the principles established in the DORA declaration; initiate the internal improvement process of research data management and facilitate its open publication, adopting the CSUC Research Data Repository (CORA), as an institutional repository; organize the didactic materials generated in the collaboration programs with the educational world, so that they are Open Educational Resources; development of citizen science projects and days for patients, or the reformulation of the Commission for Research Integrity which explicitly adds among its attributions monitoring the deployment of the Open Science strategy at IBEC; etc. ..."



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Date tagged:

11/04/2022, 09:00

Date published:

11/04/2022, 05:00