AAU president: ‘It is time we moved from talking to walking’
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-11-16
Das scholar-led.network-Manifest
petersuber's tagged items 07/19/2021
oa.switzerland oa.austria oa.german oa.declarations oa.gold oa.nonprofit oa.collaboration oa.humanities oa.no-fee oa.sustainability oa.economics_of oa.ssh oa.publishing oa.projekt_deal oa.new oa.jussieu oa.journals oa.infrastructure oa.foaa oa.dora oa.dei oa.business_models oa.books oa.bibliodiversity oa.academic_led oa.germany oa.publishing -
Open Book Collective now live!
petersuber's tagged items 12/09/2022
oa.books oa.libraries oa.thoth oa.scholarled oa.research_england oa.punctum_books oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.platforms oa.openbookpublishers oa.oapen oa.new oa.metadata oa.meson_press oa.mediastudies.press oa.mattering_press oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.funding oa.doab oa.copim oa.books oa.arcadia oa.african_minds oa.academic_led oa.openbookcollective oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
UKRI funding compliant models for small and society publishers
petersuber's tagged items 01/30/2023
oa.versions oa.ukri oa.uk oa.self-archiving oa.publishers oa.policies oa.new oa.jisc oa.funders oa.subscribe_to_open oa.repositories oa.policies.funders oa.offsets oa.licensing oa.green oa.fees oa.europe oa.embargoes oa.compliance oa.business_models oa.repositories oa.europe oa.funders oa.publishing -
Event: COPIM End-of-project conference "Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books", April 20 & 21, 2023 @ online. Full programme now live! | Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs
petersuber's tagged items 03/14/2023
oa.ssh oa.events oa.libraries oa.thoth oa.ssh oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.preservation oa.opening_the_future oa.new oa.metadata oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.humanities oa.experiments oa.events oa.data oa.copim oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.academic_led oa.openbookcollective oa.infrastructure oa.disseminaton oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
Register now! COPIM "Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books" conference, April 20 & 21, 2023 @ online | Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
petersuber's tagged items 03/24/2023
oa.ssh oa.infrastructure oa.events oa.libraries oa.thoth oa.ssh oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.preservation oa.opening_the_future oa.new oa.metadata2020 oa.metadata oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.humanities oa.experiments oa.events oa.data oa.copim oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.academic_led oa.openbookcollective oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
Register now! COPIM "Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books" conference, April 20 & 21, 2023 @ online | Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
petersuber's tagged items 04/12/2023
oa.ssh oa.events oa.libraries oa.thoth oa.ssh oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.preservation oa.opening_the_future oa.new oa.metadata oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.humanities oa.experiments oa.events oa.data oa.copim oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.academic_led oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
Common Scholarly Communication Infrastructure Landscape Review - Ithaka S+R
petersuber's tagged items 04/26/2023
oa.usage oa.repositories.data oa.repositories oa.publishing oa.protocols oa.preservation oa.platforms oa.pids oa.new oa.mining oa.metrics oa.licensing oa.infrastructure oa.discoverability oa.data oa.code oa.business_models oa.authentication oa.altmetrics oa.repositories oa.scholcomm oa.metadata oa.publishing -
Science Europe Principles on Open Access to Research Publications (May 2015)
petersuber's tagged items 10/27/2018
oa.science_europe oa.principles oa.mandates oa.green oa.redirection oa.budgets oa.disciplines oa.arts oa.humanities oa.peer_review oa.quality oa.gold oa.embargoes oa.hybrid oa.fees oa.double_dipping oa.infrastructure oa.repositories oa.policies oa.ssh oa.journals oa.funders.public oa.policies.funders oa.preservation oa.licensing oa.reuse oa.libre oa.funders -
petersuber's tagged items 05/17/2009
knowledge language beliefs stevan harnad mind-body.problem feeling-function.problem turing.test symbol.grounding causality feeling category.learning lexicon explanatory.gap meaning explanation sentitur descartes functing uncomplemented.categories functionalism implicit.learning know-how oa.philosophy oa.humanities oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
ARL, Higher Education Groups Support Lingua Editors, Open Access | 2015 | Association of Research Libraries® | ARL®
petersuber's tagged items 07/27/2018
oa.gold oa.elsevier oa.publishers oa.advocacy oa.libass oa.usa oa.ssh oa.sparc oa.resignations oa.publishers oa.prices oa.negotiations oa.milestones oa.linguistics oa.libraries oa.libass oa.journals oa.gold oa.glossa oa.elsevier oa.educause oa.declarations_of_independence oa.coar oa.carl oa.canada oa.arl oa.aplu oa.advocacy oa.ace oa.aascu oa.libraries -
Open Access Archivangelism
petersuber's tagged items 06/12/2009
journal affordability serials crisis research accessibility stuart shieber self-archiving stevan harnad oa.mandates oa.gold oa.costs oa.arxiv oa.green oa.journal.affordability oa.serials.crisis oa.research.accessibility oa.stuart.shieber oa.stevan.harnad oa.publishing ru.sparc oa.repositories oa.policies oa.journals oa.harvard.u oa.americansocietyofcriminology oa.publishing -
£5.8 million funding to significantly expand and accelerate COPIM open access infrastructures | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
petersuber's tagged items 03/30/2023
oa.europe oa.libraries oa.ukri oa.thoth oa.scurl oa.scielo_books oa.research_england oa.punctum oa.publishing oa.operas oa.openbookfutures oa.obp oa.new oa.metadata oa.lyrasis oa.libraries oa.kfg oa.jisc oa.growth oa.funding oa.experiments oa.europe oa.educopia oa.doab oa.data oa.copim oa.continental_platform oa.coki oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.arcadia_fund oa.arcadia oa.academic_led oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
£5.8 million project to deliver a more sustainable future for Open Access books | Lancaster University
petersuber's tagged items 03/30/2023
oa.europe oa.libraries oa.ukri oa.thoth oa.scurl oa.scielo_books oa.research_england oa.punctum oa.publishing oa.operas oa.openbookfutures oa.obp oa.new oa.metadata oa.lyrasis oa.libraries oa.kfg oa.jisc oa.growth oa.funding oa.experiments oa.europe oa.educopia oa.doab oa.data oa.copim oa.continental_platform oa.coki oa.business_models oa.books oa.archiving oa.arcadia oa.academic_led oa.open_book_collective oa.publishing -
Working towards a transition to open access
petersuber's tagged items 09/27/2017
oa.elsevier oa.gold oa.mpdl oa.publishing oa.business_models oa.libraries oa.transition oa.costs oa.berkeley thoughtful contributions from the max planck digital library and the university of california libraries have shown how gold oa could play a central role; as the world’s second largest gold oa publisher we offer insights to make the transition possible oa.journals oa.americansocietyofcriminology -
The public paid for “Moderna’s” vaccine, and now we’re going to pay again (and again and again); How Facebook’s Real Names policy helps Cambodia’s thin-skinned dictator terrorize dissenters (25 Jan 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow