GOA8: Decisions and preliminary schedule « Walt at Random

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-11-22


"Here’s where things stand with regard to Gold Open Access 2017-2022: Decisions I will be using fees from DOAJ where that seems appropriate, based on fee code for last year and other factors. (Usually decided publisher-by-publisher; some big publishers provide spreadsheets with fees, which I’ll use.) I will be using counts from DOAJ where that seems appropriate, based on availability of counts and consistency with previous data. There will be a new CC column for count codes, e.g. d (DOAJ), f (pattern find), w (provided on website), e (estimate–rarely if ever used) Unless things go more smoothly than expected (see below), malware sites will only be checked twice (and sites that had malware in GOA7 will only be checked once) Final decision on Country book won’t be made until later, but given the underwhelming usage and interest, it may not happen...."



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Date tagged:

11/22/2022, 14:17

Date published:

11/22/2022, 09:17