U.S. GAO - Information Management: National Technical Information Service's Dissemination of Technical Reports Needs Congressional Attention

peter.suber's bookmarks 2012-11-19


From a new report by the US Government Accounting Office (GAO) on the National Technical Information Service (NTIS): "Of the reports added to NTIS's repository during fiscal years 1990 through 2011, GAO estimates that approximately 74 percent were readily available from other public sources. These reports were often available either from the issuing organization's website, the federal Internet portal (http://www.USA.gov), or from another source located through a web search....Further, GAO estimated that 95 percent of the reports available from sources other than NTIS were available free of charge. NTIS's declining revenue associated with its basic statutory function and the charging for information that is often freely available elsewhere suggests that the fee-based model under which NTIS currently operates for disseminating technical information may no longer be viable and appropriate....GAO is suggesting that Congress reassess the appropriateness and viability of the fee-based model under which NTIS currently operates for disseminating technical information...."



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Date tagged:

11/19/2012, 17:27

Date published:

11/19/2012, 12:52