OASPA members’ output in Fully OA journals is accelerating - OASPA

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-12-19


"The data show that CC BY articles in fully-OA journals are by far the dominant type of articles published by OASPA members. Just over 2.9 million articles were published with the CC BY license in fully OA (open access-only) journals by members of OASPA during the period 2000-2021. Around 643,000 of those were published in 2021. Just under 120,000 were published in 2021 under CC BY in hybrid journals.

Numbers of articles continue to grow across the board. In 2021, the volume of articles in fully OA journals grew by just over 46%, compared with a growth of just over 44% in hybrid output, and 46% overall.

CC BY licenses dominate, now accounting for almost 81% of articles in fully OA journals, around 60% of those in hybrid journals. These proportions are slightly lower than last year’s, reflecting a change in balance due to new members joining...."



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Date tagged:

12/19/2022, 12:01

Date published:

12/19/2022, 09:57