IJCP and open access - Walton - 2012 - International Journal of Clinical Practice - Wiley Online Library

peter.suber's bookmarks 2012-11-25


A letter to the editor. Excerpt: "Since publication of our editorial explaining the questions we are asking IJCP [International Journal of Clinical Practice] authors about open access..., we realised the questions were poorly structured. We amended them on 1 October 2012, now asking authors to choose which of the following statements they agree with: [1] I would still choose to submit my work to IJCP if IJCP in the future required all authors to pay an open access fee for publication and then made all its content open access and free to read online. [2] I would not publish my work in any open access journal (including IJCP if IJCP required me to pay an open access fee) because the costs to me or my research funder would outweigh any benefits."



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Date tagged:

11/25/2012, 19:54

Date published:

11/25/2012, 14:54