Incentivizing Collaborative Open Research (ICOR) Envisions a Culture That Rewards Open Science - SPARC

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-01-12


"The sweeping movement towards open research has set in motion changes across funding bodies, institutions, and scholars. For open research to take off, sharing at all stages of the research cycle needs to be easy and the benefits explicitly recognized.

A new project is cataloguing best practices and promoting real incentives to work in the open, with the aim of improving reproducibility and accelerating outcomes to advance science.

Incentivizing Collaborative Open Research (ICOR) began in 2020 with discussions among a circle of 20 strategists led by Kristen Ratan, founder of Strategies for Open Science (Stratos) and Sarah Greene, founder of Rapid Science. The team set out to identify policies, tools, and practices that can be tested to provide evidence regarding the power of operating in the open. A goal of ICOR is to highlight pockets of innovation and to connect researchers with concrete practices that ease and improve their work in open science...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.icor oa.incentives oa.open_science oa.best_practices

Date tagged:

01/12/2023, 14:20

Date published:

01/12/2023, 09:20