Intellectual Property Policy at The Neuro, an Open Science Institute - Article (Preprint v1) by Dylan Roskams-Edris | Qeios

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-01-28


Abstract:  In 2016 The Neuro, otherwise known as the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, became the world's first open science institute. The Neuro's definition of and approach to open science is captured in its Open Science Principles. While most of the goals embedded in the principles have received increasing approval from researchers, funders, and other institutes, The Neuro's stance on intellectual property continues to see resistance. In this paper I describe how The Neuro conceives of the relationship between open science, neuroscience, and intellectual property; how it came to its current policy by examining both broad and Neuro specific innovation trends; and why it believes minimizing academic intellectual property is key to the future of neuroscience research.



01/28/2023, 08:46

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Date tagged:

01/28/2023, 13:44

Date published:

07/28/2020, 09:46