University of Oxford Rights Retention Pilot is now Live!

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-02-02


"Researchers at Oxford are invited to participate in the University of Oxford’s Rights Retention pilot. Rights Retention is a funder-led initiative that allows immediate open access of peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings when ‘gold’ or ‘read and publish’ routes are not available. Research intensive institutions across the UK are in the process of implementing rights retention policies.

The benefits of Rights Retention

Signing up to the Rights Retention Pilot has the following benefits:

We have created a guide to the rights retention pilot (SSO required) with more information on the benefits of signing up, the steps you need to take when submitting your work to a publisher, and the process for depositing your work via Symplectic Elements...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.u.oxford oa.universities oa.policies oa.policies.universities oa.rights-retention oa.licensing

Date tagged:

02/02/2023, 09:41

Date published:

02/02/2023, 04:41