Shift+OPEN - An MIT Press program to flip journals to open access - MIT Press

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-02-02


"The MIT Press welcomes applications for shift+OPEN, our new program designed to flip existing subscription-based journals to a diamond open access publishing model. With generous funding from the Arcadia Fund, shift+OPEN seeks to catalyze needed change in journals publishing, introduce authors to new readerships, and increase the reach of vital scholarship that has previously been locked behind paywalls.

The MIT Press has a long history of being at the leading edge of open access journal publishing. From opening access to Computational Linguistics in 2010 to publishing overlay journal Rapid Reviews: COVID-19 in 2020, the Press has embraced the need to broaden the dissemination of our journals while developing new models that work for everyone, including authors, editors, societies, and universities.

The MIT Press worked with the leadership of the ISSI to create Quantitative Science Studies (QSS) after the resignation of the editorial board of the subscription-based Journal of Informetrics (JOI), in 2019. This works predates shift+OPEN, but illustrates some outcomes of flipping a journal to open access. Download the QSS Case Study [PDF] ..."


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Date tagged:

02/02/2023, 11:17

Date published:

02/02/2023, 06:17